Type of Project
South Dakota One Stop
The South Dakota One Stop in Rapid City, South Dakota combined seven state agencies into one building, allowing for better efficiency and collaboration.
North Avenue Street Repair
Advanced Design prepared rehabilitation plans for approximately 5,000 linear feet of North Avenue, an arterial street, including pavement patching, milling, asphalt overlay, and replacement of deficient curb & gutter, valley pans, and driveways.
Tanks and Well No. 7 (Ghere Reservoir and Well House)
This tank project was part of a larger water infrastructure project involving three primary objectives: drilling a new well for the City of BoxElder, constructing the Ghere Reservoir, and constructing a dedicated water main connecting the Box Elder system to the proposed Ghere Reservoir.
N. Ellsworth Road/225th Street Water Main Extension
The N. Ellsworth Road/225th Street Water Main Extension project included the preparation of construction plans and specifications for 4,900 linear feet of 10-inch water main and 800 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer.
Box Elder Northern Lights Well & Reservoir
In 2013, the City of Box Elder contracted with Advanced Design to prepare plans and specification for a new well and reservoir. The new Northern Lights Reservoir and Well are located in the southwestern portion of Box Elder.
St. Cloud Street Reconstruction Project
For the St. Cloud Street Reconstruction project, Advanced Design prepared full reconstruction plans of St. Cloud Street including asphalt pavement, curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer improvements.
Anamosa Street Water Main Extension
For the City of Rapid City’s Anamosa Street Water Main Extension project, Advanced Design prepared design plans for bidding, which included 1,600 linear feet of 20-inch water main, the replacement of pavement, curb & gutter, driveways, and parking lots.